Serving the Profession

All members of the board of directors of the Architecture Foundation of Georgia (AFGA) have legal, fiduciary responsibilities mandated in Georgia state law. These responsibilities are consistent across any person in Georgia serving on a nonprofit board of directors.

Fiduciary responsibilities

  • Setting the strategic vision for AFGA and working with other board members and staff to set the scope of activities of the organization
  • Providing fiscal and fiduciary oversight of AFGA and ensuring that the organization is utilizing its resources, both staff and financial, in ways consistent with the strategic vision and scope of work
  • Act as a public face of AFGA, attending public events, meetings, etc., as needed by the organization


Tangela Monroe
Assistant Director
(678) 553-0500 ext 108

2024 Board of Directors

Ina Bachmann, AIA
Ina Bachmann, AIAChair
AIA Atlanta
Jakiel Sanders, AIA, NOMA
Jakiel Sanders, AIA, NOMAVice -Chair
AIA Atlanta
Jessika Nelson-Woynicz, AIA
Jessika Nelson-Woynicz, AIATreasurer
Fifteen70 Development
AIA Atlanta


Serve on the Architecture Foundation of Georgia Board of Directors. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. With new member voting in November. Learn more about the positions here.

Dyesha Holmes
Dyesha HolmesSecretary
Cooper Carry
AIA Atlanta
James G. Fausett, FAIA
James G. Fausett, FAIA2023 Vice-President
Professor Emeritus
AIA Atlanta
Holly Gotfredson CSI, WiM
Holly Gotfredson CSI, WiMDirector
American Metalworks
Kent McClure, AIA
Kent McClure, AIADirector
YWM Architects
AIA Southwest Georgia
Aliyah CobbDirector